Friday, December 14, 2012

Free Space Friday-- Blog Posts Organization

I have decided I want to start trying to post certain posts of information on certain days. Here is going to be the days and their titles.

Monday Muncher: these posts will feature gluten free options for eating and various food posts.

Tangled Tuesday: these posts will feature an activity review of another speech pathologist's activities. The SLP that is "Tangled Up" with my page for the day will feature a review of one of my activities whether it be a freebie or an activity that is for sell in my TPT store =)

Wacky Wednesday: these posts will feature funny things that have happened to me or funny things that my students have done. It might be a funny picture I see on pinterest or it might just be a joke. Hopefully, it will be something that makes you smile or laugh1

Thank Goodness for..... Thursday: these posts will be about things that I have had good success with in my speech classroom or in my practice as a medical speech language pathologist. It might be an app, review a neat thing another therapist does or something I think is unique.

Free Space Friday: these posts will be organization ideas. It might be ways I keep my speech classroom organized, ways I keep my life organized or just organization in general. I work 4 jobs and I am at 2 different schools for one of those jobs, so organizing my time and my life is of the utmost importance.

Such and Such Saturday and Sunday: these posts will be about miscellaneous information that pops into my head. I named it Such and Such because there is a game that I recently blogged about in my game post called Such and Such and in that game the answers come in pairs- so fitting for Saturday and Sunday.

This by no means mean that I will write a post everyday every week, but that is going to be my GOAL! I am all about goal setting in life- a lesson I learned from my wonderful parents. This is going to be my way of organizing when I post information about different topics. Since this is an organization topic, I posted it on Friday! SEE it works! =)

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